गुरुवार, 16 फ़रवरी 2017

04/01/1945: Broadcast from Tokyo Radio


Netaji SC Bose, Head of the Provisional Government of Azad Hind and Supreme Commander of the Indian National Army, addressing New Year Greetings to the nationals of Greater East Asia voiced an immutable resolve to fight out the war. The freedom-loving Indians will not cease their struggle, he emphasised, until the last Englishman has been driven out of India. Netaji said, “It is only natural that a war of such magnitude as the present one should shake the foundations of the world. It is also natural that attempts at destroying the old order and creating a new order on its ruins should require a long and painful struggle. We Indians are well aware of the gravity and difficulties of the mission imposed upon us. We well know how strong British Imperialism is and how crafty the British are. We are well aware that it is not an easy task to destroy British Imperialism, which is supported by the United States and other Allied Nations. Believing as we do in the strength of India's revolutionary Nationalism and the might of our Allies, and fully aware of the corruption of British Imperialism, we confidently look forward to final victory.”



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