by Tokyo Radio-07/11/1944
Head of the Provisional Government, Mr Subhas Chandra Bose, delivered a speech
at a reception given to him by the Foreign Press. He said that the fighting on
the Indian frontier is decisive for the entire Indian struggle for liberty.
Although the Indian Army of Liberation had to be withdrawn from some frontier
sectors due to strategical reasons and weather conditions, it would soon be
able to launch new attacks. Mr Bose went on to say that the British Press is
quite aware of the fact that the battle for India has to be fought on the
Indian frontiers. He added that the jungle and hill positions constituted a
sort of Maginot Line for the British, which is not so difficult to defend.
Concluding his speech, Mr Bose stated that the Army of Liberation is in a position
to march on to Indian soil now. But, it would not do so until all preparations
had been made to take over such territories as would be liberated.
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