रविवार, 9 जुलाई 2017

27/09/1944: Broadcast by Free India Radio, Saigon

Broadcast by Free India Radio, Saigon-27/09/1944


At a Press conference in Burma, President SC Bose highly praised the bravery of the Japanese troops in the Philippines. He said, “We have put an end to the so-called victories achieved by the enemy in the beginning. The tide has now turned and the future of this war depends on the important battles now being fought in the Philippines. We have achieved notable victories and we will achieve more in spite of the increasing strength of the enemy. The world talks of another phase in this war, but I say the second round has already ended. We are now entering the final phase. Our operations on the Indo-Burma Front depend on the course of the war in the Philippines. Soon we shall achieve final victory, and with God's grace India will be free.”

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