रविवार, 9 जुलाई 2017

28/09/1944: Broadcast by Azad Hind Radio (Singapore)

Broadcast by Azad Hind Radio (Singapore)-28/09/1944


Sjt. SG Bose, in the course of an interview with pressmen, stated that the declaration of war by the Provisional Government of Free India upon Britain and America affirmed India's conviction that the Anglo-Americans were her enemies. He added that the time was not far off when the Anglo-Americans will know that this declaration of war is not an empty threat. Japan's recognition of the Provisional Government and its Army had lent strength to the Indians and increased their enthusiasm. In conclusion, he said that two of the wishes of the Indians had come true, and it was up to them now to realise the third, namely, the launching of an armed struggle for the liberation of their Motherland.

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