Domei News
Agency-02/11/1944 Domei News Agency-03/11/1944
a speech delivered in Tokyo, Mr Subhas Chandra Bose spoke about the activities
of the INA and the fighting in Burma and said, “Recently, owing to unfavourable
weather conditions and some other reasons we have had to withdraw temporarily
in some sectors of the front. But, we are confident that when we resume the
offensive we shall be able to beat our enemies once again and force them to
retreat. In this connection I want to tell you that for some special reasons
the fight on the Indo-Burma frontier will be a very bad one- in fact the
hardest battle in the whole Indian campaign. The British have fortified the
Indo-Burmese frontier and made it their Maginot Line. They know that when this
Maginot Line is once broken, they will not be able to put up such a strong
defence anywhere in India. The battle for Chittagong and Imphal will be much
more than a local battle. It will be in essence and substance the battle of
India. In other words, the future fate of India will be decided on the hills
and in the jungles which bar the way to Chittagong and Imphal, and the effect
of an advance into Bengal and Assam, on India as a whole, will be tremendous.
The Indian people will then see with their own eyes the British running back
and they will be convinced that the fall of the British Empire is imminent.
Once the Indian people are convinced that the defeat bf the British is a
certainty they will rise in revolt.”
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